Welcome to the Fine Arts Department
At FFCHS, we offer ceramics, digital art, drawing, graphic design, introduction to art, painting, photography and video courses.
Art Show Winners 2022-23
Meet the Teachers:
Mr. Andrew Castle (acastle@ffc8.org) - DIGITAL/GRAPHIC ARTS
Ms. Ranae Daigle (rdaigle@ffc8.org) - CERAMICS
Ms. Ashley Gettler (agettler@ffc8.org) - DRAWING / PAINTING
Ms. Michelle Gainey (mgainey@ffc8.org) - INTRO to ART / SCULPTURE I / YEARBOOK
Ms. Stephanie Moon (smoon@ffc8.org) - PAINTING / DRAWING
Mr. Andrew Porter (aporter@ffc8.org) - PHOTOGRAPHY
Mr. Shane Trawick (strawick@ffc8.org) - VIDEO ARTS