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Drill Team


Drill Team 2024

Warrior Drill Dojo

FFCHS Warrior Drill Dojo YouTube Channel.

Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from the Trojan Warrior Drill Dojo. Latest Current Certification Videos, Activites, Photos, and Competitions.

Fountain-Fort Carson Drill Dojo National Certification 
  Blue Black  
  Last Name F-Name Last Name F-Name  
Red Maroon Green
Last Name F-Name Last Name F-Name Last Name F-Name
Farmer Isaac Farmer Isaac Farmer Isaac
Green Marcell Green Marcell    
Leduc Jackson Bradshaw Zahden    
Lemaster Logan Thibou Leexander    
Weeks Lucas        
Bradshaw Zahden        
Kelly Colin        
Koehn Wyatt        
Thibou Leexander        
South Israel        
White Yellow Orange
Last Name F-Name Last Name F- Name Last Name F- Name
Dail Logan Dail Logan Dail Logan
Farmer Isaac Farmer Isaac Farmer Isaac
Green Marcell Green Marcell Green Marcell
Leduc Jackson Leduc Jackson Leduc Jackson
Lemaster Logan Lemaster Logan Lemaster Logan
Weeks Lucas Weeks Lucas Weeks Lucas
Auguste Nataniel Auguste Nataniel Auguste Nataniel
Bradshaw Zahden Bradshaw Zahden Bradshaw Zahden
Cooper Carson Cooper Carson Cooper Carson
Gutknecht Jaedyn Gutknecht Jaedyn Kelly Colin
Kelly Colin Kelly Colin Koehn Wyatt
Koehn Wyatt Koehn Wyatt Rodriguez Andres
Roedl Matthew Roedl Matthew West Mia  
Rodriguez Andres Rodriguez Andres Thibou Leexander
West Mia   West Mia   Zurbuchen Alexander 
Padigos Emrylle Guadamuz-Monagas Jeremiah South Israel
Marrero-Rodriguez Aiden Hargett Jehu    
Villanueva Ramirez  Jose South Israel    
Guadamuz-Monagas Jeremiah        
Hargett Jehu        
Zubiate Jason        
South Israel        

professional headshot of SGM Maison in uniform

Home of the:

  • 2023 National High School Drill Championships(Division III) 3rd Place
  • 2021 Colorado State Drill Team Champions
  • 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019 National Qualifiers
  • 2019 8th Place Unarmed Drill Team and Color Guard- 5th Brigade Championships 
  • 2019 Top 20 Unarmed Drill Team and Color Guard- Army Nationals
  • 2019 1st Place Unarmed Drill Team -- Rocky MTN Regionals   
  • 2018, 2015 1st Place Color Guard—Rocky MTN Regionals
  • 2018, 2015 1st Place Regulation—Rocky MTN Regionals
  • 2015 1st  Place 4 Man Exhibition—Rocky MTN Regionals
  • 2018, 2015 1st Place 2 Man Exhibition—Rocky MTN Regionals
  • 2018, 2015 1st Place 1 Man Exhibition—Rocky MTN Regionals
  • 2018 2nd Place Unarmed Drill Team -- Rocky MTN Regionals 

The Drill Team is broken down into two components, Armed Drill and Unarmed Drill. The Armed Drill Team uses a M1903 Springfield replica rifle and competes in exhibition and regulation drill events. The Unarmed Drill Team does not use a rifle and competes exhibition and regulation drill events.

Regulation Drill events are competitions that involve executing a sequence of movements led by a commander. The team is evaluated on their ability to precisely execute these commands as a team without error.

Exhibition drill is a modified routine that involves complex marching sequences that usually deviate from standard drill. Teams performing exhibition drill are often affiliated with military units, but the scope of exhibition drill is not limited to the Military Drill Teams. Exhibition drill is often performed by Armed Forces Drill Teams, the drill teams at service academies and ROTC and JROTC units, and civilian drill teams that perform at parades, drill meets, and half-time shows and other public venues. Exhibition Drill events are competitions that involve 5-6 minutes of creative, various formations and movements, and syncronized movements that relate to military movements. Exhibition events also include 1, 2, and 4 person events that consist of similar movements, but reduced to 1-2 minute time periods. 

In an unarmed division, exhibition drill may consist of intricate precision marching, along with various hand movements. Modified step team routines may be used, but participants should remember that often during competition, exhibition drill is evaluated by military judges

Drill Team Sites of Interest:

Drill Dojo:


The Drill Meet

Drill Meet is a competition for Military-style Drill Teams. The US military’s Honor Guard units have drill teams; however they do not compete against each other in a drill meet such as this. The only exception to this is Pro America [4] where individuals compete, but not the full drill teams. What is common across the US is high school JROTC and college ROTC teams competing against each other.


Each meet has different phases:Many drill meets differ regarding what events are offered and what divisions of competition are presented. Drill meets generally include both an armed and unarmed divisions. Events offered generally include several different phases: Inspection, Color Guard Regulation Drill and, in addition, (drill based on a service's manual) and Exhibition Drill in which they march intricate maneuvers along with manipulating equipment including rifles.

  1. Inspection (I) : Each team goes through a standard military inspection for an up-close critique of their bearing, knowledge and overall appearance.
  2. Regulation Drill (RD) : A fixed list of verbal commands, armed or unarmed from a service’s drill and ceremonies manual (see also Military parade), given by a single cadet commander. This cadet commander must memorize these commands at most every meet and the team must perform these movements as per regulations. 
  3. Color guard Regulation Drill (CGR): The military color guard is not to be confused with a marching band’s color guard (see Color guard (flag spinning) for more information), although music-related color guards have their roots in the military version. This is similar to the drill team RD phase in that there is a fixed list of commands from a service’s drill and ceremonies manual that the cadet commander must memorize and execute with his/her color guard unit. Units are often required to "case" (commands required to cover the colors for transport/storage), and/or "uncase" (commands required to uncover the colors for competition/display) as a part of the competition.
  4. Exhibition Drill (XD) : XD is based on Regulation Drill, but is then infused with a Driller’s imagination. XD has different categories:

Solo (A single Driller)

Tandem/Duo (2 Drillers)

Quad/Small Team (4-8 Drillers) (Note: this category replaces Tetrad and Squad)

Platoon/Flight (9-26 Drillers)