JLAB Leadership and Academics
Use this link to register to enter the National JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl and become a JLAB Team Member. Please ensure you use your school email for registration.
Participate in the Leadership Bowl and your team may win the opportunity to compete in the Academic Championship (JLAB) in Washington, DC! Forty (40) Leadership Teams will qualify to attend JLAB!
There are many benefits of participating in the Leadership Bowl:
- Increase interest in college admissions and access to college prep materials
- Improve leadership skills
- Demonstrate academic and leadership strengths of the JROTC program
- Boost esprit-de-corps
- Share your leadership experience and best practices with other JROTC units
- Earn the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital
IMPORTANT NOTES: Units may assemble one team for the Leadership Bowl. Cadets who previously attended JLAB (The Championship) on a Leadership Team may not participate on the Leadership Team in subsequent years but may participate on the Academic Team.
- Cadets may participate on either the Academic OR Leadership Team during the same school year - no crossover between teams.
- Teams with scores in the top 50% in Level I will advance to Level II. The top 40 teams will advance to the Championship.
- Extensions will NOT be granted for the online competition. All tests must be completed by the final date of the online competition (final date for Level I – Nov. 20; final date for Level II – Feb. 15).
Participate in the Academic Bowl and your team may win the opportunity to compete in the Academic Championship (JLAB) in Washington, DC! Thirty-two (32) Academic Teams will qualify! There are many benefits of participating in the Academic Bowl:
- Improve SAT/ACT scores
- Access to college prep materials
- Increase interest in college admissions
- Demonstrate academic strength of the JROTC program
- Boost esprit de corps
- Earn the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital
IMPORTANT NOTES: All units may assemble up to two teams for the Academic Bowl – there will be two different tests administered during the same window of dates. The type of material tested, and number of questions are the same between the two tests.
Units may also assemble one Leadership Team. For more information on the Leadership Bowl, click on the link for the Leadership Bowl at www.cofcontests.com.
- Cadets who previously attended the JLAB Championship on an Academic Team may not participate on the Academic Team in subsequent years but may participate on the Leadership Team.
- Only one Academic Team per unit is allowed to attend The Championship regardless of final scores in Level II.
- Cadets may participate on either the Academic OR Leadership team during the same school year - no crossover between teams.
The Essential Guide to the SAT
This Guide is designed to boost your test-taking skills and confidence in taking the college entrance exam by providing the only SAT preparation material in our nation with videos of peer student tutors who took the test, achieved high scores, and now provide specific instruction in video format.
Zero Hour Threat I
Zero Hour Threat, created by i.d.e.a.s. at Disney-MGM, is an interactive action game designed to increase standardized test scores, as well as enhance general mathematics and vocabulary skills while having fun playing a state-of-the-art video game. It is based on the Essential Guide to the SAT and ACT.
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