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Welcome to the Math Department


Department Vision: 

The math department vision is to empower every student to thrive as a responsible, productive, and engaged citizen by inspiring life-long learning and civic engagement. We hope to challenge and support every student to achieve his/her fullest potential, and by embracing the diversity of both the local and global community.

What's an integrated curriculum all about?

Carnegie Learning Flow Chart

Classes Offered

Our 23-24 Math Teachers

Contact Info



Tutoring Hours

Tuesday & Thursday after school in the pod across from the library 3:30-5pm. There is an activity bus that runs after tutoring concludes. There are limited spots available & are first come first serve unless reserved with Ms. Stock ahead of time. 

Virtual Help is available for all integrated courses with the Carnegie Learning Help Bot!


Pin the app on your mobile device! Go to for help on your practice questions.
